

                                                                             GDPR STATEMENT MAY 2018

From 25 May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation will be a fact. This means a European directive about the protection of personal data. There are new directives related to privacy and the use and retention of personal data. In short: we have to be open about what personal date we collect, why we do this and

how long we retain this data. Further on it is possible for you to have access to the data collected in our systems.

General personal data

Custers Hydraulica B.V., located Smakterweg 33, 5804 AE VENRAY The

Netherlands, is responsible for the processing of this personal data. You are using our services or you have issued this data yourself. The personal data that we use are:

â–ª    Name and family name

â–ª    Gender

â–ª    Address(es)

â–ª    Phone number(s)

â–ª    E-mail address(es)

Besides this we can retain company information, copies of ID cards and data related to your activities on our website.

Specific personal data of website visitors

It is not our intention to collect data about website visitors that are younger than

16 years old. Unfortunately it is impossible to verify if a visitor is 16 years old or older. Parents or tutor will have to give permission in this particular case. In case

of possible collection of personal data of a minor visitor without specific

authorisation please email to On your request we will remove the data from our system.

Our aims processing your personal data

We use your personal data for the following purposes:

â–ª    Sending of newsletters and other commercial communication

â–ª    Invoicing/Payments

â–ª    Possibility of telephone calls or emails in order to give you professional advice about our services

â–ª    To inform you about our new products or changes in our products

â–ª    Transport of our products

â–ª    Legal obligations like data for tax filing

Automated processing

Based upon automated processing we do not decide on issues that can cause

(considerable) damages to persons. More specific: decisions made by computer software or computers systems without the intervention of (a) physical person(s) (like for example a Custers Hydraulica B.V. employee).

Retention period of personal data

In order to achieve the goals for which we need your personal data, Custers

Hydraulica B.V. does not longer retain personal data than strictly necessary.


For the retention of personal data as mentioned under the heading General personal data we apply a retention period of 20 years. This retention period is in line with the economic life of our products.

We do not share your personal data with third parties

Your personal data will not be sold or forwarded to third parties unless we need to do this for the realisation of our agreement or for legal obligations.

Companies commissioned by us that process your data are obliged to provide the

same level of security and confidentiality under the for this purpose made up Data Processing Agreement. Custers Hydraulica B.V. remains solely liable for this processing.

Check, adapt or have your personal data erased

You can have your personal data reviewed, corrected or removed at any time. Besides this you have the right of data portability, the right to withdraw your

allowance for data processing as well as the right to object to Custers Hydraulica

B.V. processing your personal data. We can realise above mentioned at your request by sending an email to

Identification for review, correction or removal of your personal data Your request can only be honoured if we are certain that you have sent this request yourself. That is why we ask you to send a copy of your ID with this request. Attention! Before sending us a copy of your ID , please hide the MRZ (machine readable zone). This is the strip with numbers at the bottom of your Passport. You also have to hide the number of your ID as well as the BSN (Burgerservicenummer) in order to protect your privacy. Custers Hydraulica B.V. treats your request as soon as possible and we guarantee a reaction within 4 weeks.

Security of personal data

Custers Hydraulica B.V. takes the security of your personal data seriously and we do anything to avoid abuse, loss, unauthorised access, unsolicited publishing and illegal modification. Nevertheless, in the case of doubt re. the security of your personal data or suspicions of abuse, please contact us as soon as possible via

Changes in this GDPR statement

Custers Hydraulica B.V. reserves the right to modify its privacy policy. Therefore we advise you to regularly check our GDPR statement on our website in order to be informed about possible changes.

If Custers Hydraulica B.V. initiates an important modification that has impact to the way your personal data is treated, we will inform you about this on our website or via newsletters.

On behalf of the direction of Custers Hydraulica B.V.